Info up to Level 13 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


He is an outfielder with immense shoulder strength and powerful throws. It's rumored that he's an English aristocrat.
Info up to Level 13 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


He's very good at hitting the ball. He has an interest in fashion and hairstyles.
Info up to Level 13 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


Many love Yuna for her sunny disposition. Contrary to her pretty looks, she would rather practice baseball than do makeup.
Info up to Level 12 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


He likes to do things fast. He likes to be the first to attack.
Info up to Level 13 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


Contrary to her cute looks, Michelle has a very aggressive personality. Surprisingly, she was the leader of a dance team during her school days.
Info up to Level 12 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


He has strong shoulders that can stop players from stealing bases. He is a man of few words.
Info up to Level 13 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


Russell is very optimistic. His teammates love him for his bright personality.
Info up to Level 13 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


Michael is handsome and very popular. His baseball skills are great, just like his looks!
Info up to Level 13 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


She is from Venezuela and has quick feet. Her fast feet makes her a deadly opponent.
Info up to Level 13 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


Men surrender to her strength. Contrary to her strong outward appearance, she loves to take care of flowers.
Info up to Level 12 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


Rodriguez hates nuisances. Houwever,he is more prepared than ever when fielding.
Info up to Level 12 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


Brock likes to collect baseball bats. He does his best in games to finish his collection.
Info up to Level 13 HIGHLAND BALL PARK (LEAGUE1)


He likes to strategically use the bunt for its unpredictability. He is handsome and has his own fan club.